Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Weekly updates on Raleigh Real Estate, specifically focusing on the Midtown/North Hills Area of Raleigh, North Carolina.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sidewalk Sale at North Hills in #Raleigh! Only $84,700!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
What's happening in Midtown Raleigh this weekend? The St. Raphael's Fair!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Friday, September 10, 2010
We had a guest at lunch today. Beautiful! #REBCRDU
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
@MayaREGuru at #REBCRDU
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
#REBCRDU getting started!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ranch home in Raleigh Golf community--Coming Soon!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Healthy breakfast for me this morning!!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Monday, August 30, 2010
Social Media and Real Estate Class at Falls Midtown Office
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Real Estate market update at the RBC Center in Raleigh
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
North Hills Basement Townhome For Sale Soon!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
It's Mater Sandwich day at the #Midtown office of @CBHPW
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
It's Mater Sandwich Day at the Midtown Office of @CBHPW
MeFine Foundation and my daughter Holly Need Your Help!!

First Day of School!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Down Payment Assistance for First Time Home Buyer's May Be Back
H.R. 600 was introduced by Rep. All Green (D-TX) and has 23 additional sponsors. This bill, if passed, would revive the down payment assistance programs that were so popular before the mortgage meltdown and the foreclosure wave that has hit the US real estate market.
This bill differs from the previous Down Payment Assistance programs in that a buyer would need a credit score of 680 or higher to qualify. Which supports say would lessen the risk of foreclosure. The majority of foreclosures that have happened in recent months have been with loans given to buyers with credit scores south of 600.
So, the question is, is this the magic tool that will kick-start our real estate industry? Let's think about it this way. Seventy percent of all first time buyers who purchased a home using the now expired tax credit, stated that they would have purchased a home anyway. The tax credit just gave them the incentive to do it a little earlier. The cost of the tax credit is placed on the government, which eventually gets passed to the tax payers. So why not have a program where the seller helps the buyer with the down payment, instead of the tax payers. This could work.
Below is a link to a video giving more information about this program:
Also, if you would like to read the bill, here the link for that:
This may be a great way to breathe some life into the US Real Estate Industry, which is on of the major drivers of the entire US Economy. If you agree with this bill, contact your representative and tell them to take a look at this bill, a see what can be done to get it passed.
And as always, if you need any assistance with any real estate related issue, just contact me. I'm always happy to help!
Monday, July 26, 2010
One reason built-in bookcases are popular in new homes.
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Chic fil A cow is an NC State Wolfpack fan!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Meet Mary...a great lady in search of a job!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Mimi's Cafe has the best French Toast!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act H.R. 5623
The Congress has passed H.R. 5623, the Homebuyer Assistance and Improvement Act, which extends the tax credit closing deadline until September 30th. There will also be no gap between June 30th and the date the President signs the bill into law. The extension only applies to transactions in which the purchase contract was signed by April 30th. Again, this applies only to contracts executed on or before April 30.
This will go to the President for his signature before it becomes law.
I know there are few of these deals floating around out there (new construction?) which is great news for these buyers.
What this new Act does is extends the time that a home buyer must close to October 1, 2010. The old date was June 30, 2010. It was estimated that over 180,000 home buyers were going to miss out on the tax credit because of lack of time for underwriters and loan officers to get needed information and to get the closing documents to the closing parties or attorneys.
In the Senate's version of this bill, there is also a measure to extend unemployment insurance to those out of work.
So, will this fix the economy? Many do not think so. I have been reading comments online from people who think that the government should stay out of it and let the economy fix itself. However, this is not an expansion of the tax credit, simply an extension.
The home buyer's that this applies to are those that did purchase, in good faith, a home before the April 30th deadline, and through no fault of their own, would have missed the required June 30th deadline for the tax credit. Most delays are coming from swamped loan underwriters and home builders trying to get new home finished in time.
If you have any questions about this extension, please feel free to contact me or visit They have a great section on this as well as other items affecting the economy.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Dropping off flyers at another great home in Midtown Raleigh!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Midtown Raleigh's Latest Listing!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
North Hills Raleigh's Plein Air Art Festival Winner.
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Meet another happy first-time homebuyer in Raleigh!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Monday, May 17, 2010
Lunch @ThePit part 2
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Lunch @ThePit in Raleigh!
Coldwell Banker HPW 919.272.4754 Visit my blog:
Monday, May 10, 2010
Oh The Places You Go...And the People That you Meet-and the Life Lessons you Learn.
My first experience with this was with another agent in my office. She works as a buyer's agent for another agent, and he gave her that book for Christmas. She was a little disappointed, because the year before he had given her a beautiful gold bracelet. But with the economy and real estate down, I guess a $9.00 book was all he could afford that year. But she was less than thrilled. Then I came across the idea of it again last summer during Vacation Bible School. But added on the end of this popular title was "And the People You Can Help."
This book title came to mind to me this weekend as I stumbled around Raleigh with my family. Although we didn't leave town, we went several different places and the people that I met...Oh!
My first stop was North Hills on Friday afternoon. I was headed to Harris Teeter, and since it was such a beautiful day out, I decided to stop at Starbucks for an iced coffee and a little break. While in Starbucks, I struck up a conversation with a young girl (now that I am in my 40's, all 20 somethings are young girls). She was distraught that all the cards with the code to the free music download from Starbucks website were gone. She kept asking if the barista didn't have just one or two more lying around.
Then I remembered that I had one such card in my purse. I had picked it up the day before, and hadn't used it yet. I took mine out and offered it to her. She was like a kid at Christmas!
My lesson learned here was about the power of music. What was trivial to me was a huge deal to this young girl. I hope she enjoys the song, and remembers to hit Starbucks on Tuesday when the new cards come out.
As I walked back to my car, I met Jimmy Carter. No, it's not the famous ex-peanut farmer, ex-president, founder of Habitat for Humanity Jimmy Carter, but 50 something, Raleigh resident, artist in training Jimmy Carter. He was stitting by the large fountain across from Certain Things, painting a street scene. We struck up a conversation, and I learned that he had not always been an artist.
When Jimmy turned 50, he decided to try something new, so he started taking art classes. That was two years ago, and he is now getting ready for the Plein Air Art Festival that will be held at North Hills in June. He said that he had always had an interest and decided that now was a great time to start. His work will be on display during the festival and be available for sale during the silent auction the last day of the festival.
My lesson learned here was that you are never too old to try something new and different. Jimmy would have turned 50 anyway, so now he is a 50 something artist. And a good one I can add. See my photo blog at to meet him.
Saturday morning too us to the gym. It seems that every time I am there, I see this person. He's not the hunky, beefcake type that you see at 5:30 each day, trying his best to try to look cool while working out. This young man is about 90 years young. I got a chance to talk with him while working out this past weekend, and what a story he has.
He goes to the gym at least six days a week, and tries to go everyday if he can. He doesn't drive any more, due to his eyes failing, so one of his three children take him. All three were there that morning. He told me that five years ago he had to use a walker to get around, and was always tired. So he decided to join the gym.
Through weight training and some cardo, he has been able to ditch his walker, and has tons of energy. He works out to not only save his body but his mind. He's a perfect example of not growing old gracefully, but fighting it every step of the way.
The lesson learned here was that if you take care of your body, it will take care of you. Exercise, eat right, and maybe at 90 you will still be going strong.
We went to Shelly Lake on Sunday for a picnic lunch and to let the kids play. As I pushed Holly on the swing I started talking with a mom with a two month old in a stroller. She also had a one year old, a five year old, a nine year old and an eleven year old! WHEW! But as her children played on the swings and the slides, she sat on the bench, relaxed, not worried about a thing. Even when one fell off the swing, she told them to get up, shake it off and get back on.
Lesson learned here, having two kids is nothing when you have five to chase after. I am going to try to not get so worked up when one of mine falls down. Shake it off and get back up and get going.
My point of all of this is that you don't have to go far to meet interesting people, discover new things, and learn more about life's lessons. It's all around you if you just look.
You can always see more about what is happening around Raleigh and Midtown at my photo blog at and also at my Facebook page, Please click the like button if you want to keep up with what's happening in the area and with what is happening in real estate.
Have a great Monday!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Jimmy Carter's next contest is the Plein Air Art Festival
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Smart Cars are at Midtown this weekend
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Tribute to Mother Earth at Learning Express at North Hills
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Meet Antoinette at Piola at North Hills!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Happy Mother's Day-The New Survivor Series

The kids vote them off the island based on performance. The last man wins only if...he still has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's notice.
If the last man does win, he can play the game over and over and over again for the next 18-25 years, eventually earning the right to be called Mother!
After you get done laughing, share this with as many females as you think will get a kick out of it and as many men as you think can handle it.
Mura is the place for lunch in Midtown
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Friday, April 30, 2010
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
It's lunch time in Midtown!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Advice from Mr. Wuf
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Carolina Moon
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Monday, April 26, 2010
Home Inspection #2
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
One happy first time home buyer!
Lisa Coleman, Broker
Coldwell Banker HPW
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Shred-A-Thon sponsored by Wake County
Saturday April 24th
9am – 12pm
Oak Park Shopping Center
6001 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh
Sponsors: City of Raleigh, Oak Park Shopping Center, ProShred Security, Connell Realty, Attorney General Roy Cooper’s office
IMPORTANT: Shredding events are for residents and small businesses only and are offered free of charge for up to THREE BOXES of documents. Documents do not have to be removed from envelopes. Window envelopes with film are okay. Staples do not have to be removed but PAPER CLIPS DO HAVE TO BE REMOVED. No file folders with metal hangers.
These events are to protect your identity and the environment by shredding PAPER documents. Please do not bring in paper mixed with trash! Doing so may jeopardize our working relationship with our shredding vendor and we may not be able to bring you these FREE events in the future. PAPER ONLY, no CDs, DVD, diskettes, cassettes, VHS or other media accepted. Thanks for your cooperation.
Solid Waste Services staff will be at this event to answer recycling questions. We’re hoping for a good turnout.
For More Information contact:
Bianca M. Howard
Community Education Specialist
City of Raleigh Solid Waste Services
(919) 996 - 6872
bianca.howard@raleighnc.govHappy Earth Day to You!
That's right, unless you have been living in a hole, without the creature comforts of life such as electricity and pre-packaged food, to reduce your carbon footprint, you know that today is Earth Day.
It's a big day for this world wide celebration. Earth Day started 40 years go. Today it is celebrated in 190 countries by over 1 billion people. (for the facts on Earth Day).
So you are probably wondering what you can do to celebrate Earth Day. Or maybe not, but humor me for just a moment by reading this short list of 10 things you can do to help the environment.
1) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The three "R's" have changed significantly since we first heard about them in grade school. This can be as simple as choose items in reduced packaging or reducing your use of disposable containers. I learned today (via another blog) that by reducing your household garbage by as little as 10%, you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.
2) Use less heating and air conditioning. You can call your local utilities company, and see if they offer an energy audit. You will be surprised on how little you can spend on weather stripping and insulation, and how much money it will save you in the long run. More green for the earth and for your wallet. Also, don't turn up the heat if you are chilly, grab a sweater, and turn on a ceiling fan if you need a little air.
3) See Things in a New Light: Remember the old joke years ago asking how many people it took to change a light bulb? Well, now we know the answer: One--YOU! CFL bulbs last ten times longer and can save up to $70 in electrical costs over the life of the bulb.
4) Drive Less and Drive Smart. Ok, being a real estate agent and a Tahoe owner, I fail miserably at this one, so on to number five.
5) Purchase Energy-Efficient Products: This can be as simple as buying an a new toaster or coffee pot that is energy-efficient, or replacing your worn out appliances with Energy Star ones. And the government has some nice tax incentives for some appliances as well!
6) Use Less Hot Water: Low flow shower heads are a great way to do this!
7) Turn it OFF! When you leave a room, turn off all the lights. Simple but a great way to help the environment, and maybe save a little on your electric bill as well.
8) Plant a Tree. Did you know that a single tree an absorb as much as one ton of carbon dioxide during it's lifetime.
9) Adopt a Highway or Stream. Here in NC, we have a great program where private citizens and companies or anyone can adopt a highway or stream. Once a quarter you are responsible for cleaning up the litter on your highway. Four days a year can make a huge difference in the world.
10) Tell it to the World. Share your thoughts about this Earth Day with your friends and co-workers. You would be surprised how few people know about the little things that can be done to help our environment.
Here's wishing everyone a very happy Earth Day! And remember, Earth Day should be everyday!
(thanks to Jaspal at for the ideas in this blog and the valuable information)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Bruegger's and Zoes Kitchen come to North Hills
I am a huge fan of the Herby Turkey Sandwich at Bruegger's, and I was not disappointed. Adding sprouts is just the tickets. Jason, my lunch partner, had the Leonardo De Veggie, and it must have been great, because when I asked for a bite, he quickly told me NO! A big plus to this particular Bruegger's is that it is open until 8:00 pm, so if you are having a bagel craving for dinner, this is the place to go. They also have grilled sandwiches and desserts as well.
The new Zoes Kitchen opened last week. Pete, my husband, and I have a standing lunch date every Thursday, and we decided to try out Zoes last week. I had the grilled chicken in a pita and he has the stacked veggie. My friend Chris crashed our lunch "date" and had the steak and cheese roll. All three were excellent, and are highly recommended by our group. And thanks to the free entree coupons we received at the North Hills Easter Egg Hunt, there are several more visits in our future.
Happy Eating!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Upcoming Events in Midtown April 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Being a Fair Weather Runner
I guess it comes from growing up in the area. We always knew Spring was here when the buttercups started blooming and the beach music started playing. And summer would not be complete with trips to the Carolina coast and watching lightling bugs in the evenings from the screened porch. Yes, Spring and Summer in the Carolinas are special indeed.
I guess that's why I am a fair weather runner. I never thought about myself as one, until someone mentioned it the other day. We started talking about the upcoming Bunn Fun Run (a run benefiting William Bunn, a little boy who is fighting ) and if I was going to run it. I am going to run it, but I needed to get back into a regular training schedule. They were shocked that I didn't run (at least not outside) during the winter. What? Run in the cold? You have got to be kidding me. That's when they called me a "Fair Weather Runner."
This is not a compliment. And I did take it personally. That is, until I started thinking about it. If it's less than 55* outside, I am hitting the gym and the treadmill. I mean, I need heated socks to go from the house to the car some days. So getting out there and subjecting myself to this "freezing" weather for an hour or so at a time was way out of my league.
But Spring is here, and the weather is great for getting out and doing all the things we have thought about doing during the winter. So let's hit the pavement, and see where it takes us.
And let's not forget on April 24th why we are running. William is 8 years old, and has been fighting Neuroblastoma Cancer since he was 5. He needs our help. Everyone is optimistic and his doctors and William are fighting this with all they have.
So come out and share this incredible day with everyone. You can walk, run, bike or just do whatever moves you.
Let's not be a fair weather runner on this day. Let's run for William.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
My Shoes Your World
Then I really started to think about it. In a way, I am already walking in someone else's shoes. In fact, I am walking in several people's shoes right now. If you are a friend of mine of Facebook, then you may already know that we are building a new home. We are not moving far, just a few streets over. But as a real estate agent, I am now experiencing what my clients go through every day.
We have been in our current home for eight years. I am a "nester." Moving to a new home every two or three years is just not my cup of tea, even though that's the business I am in. And since it has been so long since we have had to sell a home and completely build another one, I had forgotten how hard and time consuming, and let's not forget stressful, it can be.
Keeping a home in market ready condition, especially with two small children and a cat, is very difficult. It takes a lot of work and coordination on everyone's part. And building a new home just adds to the stress. The builder keeps apologizing for calling me and asking me to make another decision, but that's his job, and he is doing a great one at that. Let's just say that I have a renewed respect for all my current and past buyers and sellers. And to the Houghtlin's, my hat is off! They sold two homes and bought a new home (to combine their newly blended family) at one time. And it all happened in a matter of 60 days. I cannot imagine throwing another piece into this puzzle.
So walking a mile in someone's shoes? I'm doing that now. And what a great learning experience it is!
If you are interested in joining this group, just go to my page on Facebook: and you can find the link there.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Girls Night Out is not what it used to be.
So after a day of showing property in Johnston County (and Lea, my client, will tell you that is an adventure in itself, and will make an excellent blog post). I arrived back in Raleigh/Midtown and decided to make my way to the new Harris Teeter. I have been there twice before, once with the Falls/Midtown CAC and another time just to pick up a couple of things for the neighborhood martini party. But this time was different. I wasn't on a time schedule, and I didn't have two kids in tow. Ahhh, bliss!
The paper and the other blog posts have it right, this is really a social event for our neighborhood. Not only do I seen neighbors that I know there, but I see neighbors that know me, but I may not have met them yet. It's a great way, besides the Quail Hollow Swim Club and the Hill and Hollow Club to find out what is going on in the neighborhood.
I was amazed by the selection of Boar's Head Meats and Cheeses, and the amount of prepared foods is astounding. I may never have to make a home cooked meal again! The Asian bar looked a little less inviting, due to the limited amount of choices, but then I saw lots of carts with take out trays in them, so I came to the conclusion that everyone must be having Asian food for dinner. Remembering that I needed some laundry detergent, I took my cart and headed to the ultra cool glass elevator. And if you don't think that this store is urban upscale, just tell that to the elevator operator. I mean, how many grocery stores in "cosmopolitan" cities have their very own elevator operator. Not many, I can guess.
I did strike up a conversation with a shopper on the way back down to the first floor. We both thought that the new store was great, and the selection was good. But the store nor the elevator operator have had to direct traffic during a high shopping day, such as Memorial Day weekend, Easter, and let's definately not forget the day before Thanksgiving. With an elevator that only holds three shopping carts comfortably, it should make for a great spectator sport.
All in all, the new North Hills East is a welcome addition to the area and our neighborhood. And to other non-midtown dwellers as well. I even saw someone from my church there, and I know where he lives, and this is not the closest grocery store to his house.
I guess everyone wants to be part of our new "Urban Upscale."
Friday, February 19, 2010
Raleigh Housing Market Ranks First
Raleigh Housing Market Ranks First
The Triangle has received more affirmation that it is better-positioned than most regions to emerge quickly from this recession.
Hanley Wood Market Intelligence, a California research firm, has ranked the Raleigh-Cary market first and the Durham-Chapel Hill market sixth on its list of the healthiest markets among the top 100 U.S. housing markets.
The rankings are based on home prices, employment conditions and income growth potential. This is the second Market Health report released by Hanley Wood. The first was published last year.
Jonathan Smoke, senior vice president of products and innovation at Hanley Wood, had this to say about Raleigh: "Based on end-2010 economic forecasts, we think Raleigh will be the healthiest of the largest 100 markets in the country. Raleigh comes out on top because of stronger employment conditions, moderate household income growth, and continued strong household formation. The market still is expected to see minor home price declines (approximately 3 percent decline expected for 2010 over 2009), which is one factor that keeps the market from being even stronger."
Link to article-
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Cabin Fever Throwdown!
David Hicks and family and The Raleigh Shag Club invite you to…
~Cabin Fever Throwdown~
Sunday, February 28th At the North Raleigh Hilton
Please come out and join us for this Hospice Fundraiser!
Doors open at 1:00 p.m. Show 2 - 7 p.m.
It is a great time with the bands, dancing, silent auctions,
"Dancing For Dollars" with the Junior dancers
(Alexis Hicks, River Harmon, Allen Lawrence, Jamie Walton, Sam Walter, Garrett and Sophia Spencer) and more!!
All kids under the age of 15 will be admitted for a donation of$5.00.
ALL proceeds go to Hospice of Wake County!!
Enjoy the sounds of…
Jim Quick and Coastline
The Fantastic Shakers
- with special appearances by Craig
Woolard and Big John Thompson
We hope you will come out and help support this wonderful event!
For more information call Karen Brown 919.691.4332
or Mike Blanchard 919.828.0890
Friday, February 12, 2010
Falls/Midtown CAC Meeting Update
Last night, updates were given by the Raleigh Police Department, Parks and Recreation, The Planning Department and an update from John Odom, our representative on the Raleigh City Council. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting:
Raleigh PD: Two suspects were arrested in connection with the recent automobile break ins in our area. They were both from Durham, and admitted that they were specifically looking for cars with GPS systems that were removable. So remember that if you have any type of GPS, Satalite Radio, or portable CD player in your car, remove it each night. Several residents are meeting once a week to establish a neighborhood watch program as well. If you are interested, please contact There is also a website in the works, where residents can register on the site, and get email updates on police calls and more, for their area.
Parks and Recreation: This Saturday, from 9:30 to Noon there will be a community clean up at Optimist Park. Feel free to drop by and help if you can. More information can be found at the REI at North Hills.
John Odom discussed the future plans for the new North Hills East, greenways in our area, and touched on the discussion that is surrounding the proposed Lightener Building downtown. We also learned why the greenway system is not connected and why the city is trying to hard to find alternative routes to connect all of our greenways. The original greenways were built over the sewer lines in Raleigh, to serve as a easement for the city, and to make the area where the lines were built more attractive. As time has gone by, the sewer system is not mainly in the street, so that explains why the greenways are cutting through neighborhoods now, and upsetting many of our neighbors, who are having to deal with greenways in their front yards.
The Planning Department told us about a new website:, which relates to development in Raleigh, through a Form Based Code. Be sure and visit this site to keep up to date on what plans the City has for developments and improvements.
I know, this was a boring blog today, but I do hope it was informative.
I'll post something more entertaining next time!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
North Hills East Harris Teeter Opens this AM!
Raleigh’s much anticipated two-story Harris Teeter opens in its new location underneath the Park & Market Apartments in North Hills on Wednesday at 8am. There will be a ribbon cutting and then the store is open to the public.
Being 26,000 square feet bigger, the new HT will provide the same quality service and products you’ve always enjoyed. PLUS:
- meals-on-the-go Asian Bar, Pizza Bar, and Salad Bar
- access to 750 covered parking spaces
- open 24-hours
- wider selection of products and groceries throughout two floors
- direct in-building elevator access for Park & Market residents
Be sure and drop by the new Harris Teeter this week and check back here for updates on openings for all the new stores and restaurants at North Hills East!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Midtown Happenings For February 2010
Please check back to see if any of the January events that were canceled because of the snow have been rescheduled for February.
St. Raphael School Open House: February 3rd 9 am - 12 pm and 630-8:00 pm.919-865-5750 or
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School Open House February 4th, 8:30-10:00 am and 6:00-8:45 pm 919-861-4635
Triangle Wine Event February 4-6, All proceeds going to the Frankie Lemmon Foundation 919-845-8880
First Friday Art Walk February 5th, Downtown Raleigh
Farmer's Market at North Hills February 6th 8:00 am -12:00 pm Come find fresh produce and homemade items from local farmers.
French Cooking Class February 23 4:30-6:30 pm Saint Jacques Restaurant 919-862-2770
The Full Monty February 27th North Carolina Theatre 800-745-3000
Keep checking back here for updates, and remember to visit for all your real estate needs.
Monday, January 25, 2010
I never thought I would be excited over a grocery store opening!
I was picking up a few essentials yesterday for my husband, you know, chips, dip etc... All the creature comforts he requires in order to watch the games, and there it was. A big sign announcing that my little "Boutique" Harris Teeter at the Lassiter at North Hills would be closing at 6:00 pm on February 9th, and the new "Grande" one would open at 10:00 am on February 10th! I could hardly contain my excitment.
Don't get me wrong, with two small children, who are already in a ton of activities (let's save that for another blog), I have a very full filling and might I add, busy, life. But the center of my world ( besides my children) is Midtown. We do everything here: dinner, movies, Sunday lunch, shopping. So when I am having a party or cooking for a crowd, what can't get at Costco, I drop into my local grocery store. The downfall of a boutique market is that you don't have the selection that you do at a full grocery. So if you need a particular item, you sometimes have to make a trip to (gasp!) the store at Falls and Spring Forest. That's just too far of a drive for me.
The new store promises all types of goodies. Salad bar, hot foods bar, seafood bar, pharmacy, more organic produce and choices (this is a particular favorite of mine!) and the list goes on and one. And it's going to be two stories! Imagine that, grocery shopping on multi-levels. Be still my heart!
Just another great reason to live in Raleigh's Midtown!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

FHA tomorrow will announce a series of changes designed to protect the federal agency that has emerged as the cornerstone of the mortgage market as the housing sector wobbles toward recovery.
On the whole, mortgage lenders will find the new rules painful but necessary. The problem is a perception that for the past 4 years, FHA was an "anything goes" environment. So they have a lot of catching up to do in terms of tightening up the rules.
What makes this hard: With FHA hovering around 40% of new loan originations, even small rule changes echo through the housing market with a big impact.
Our view of the new course charted by FHA is that:
FHA is instituting prudent financial rules, without pulling back so far as to contribute to a further slowing of the housing market.
Mortgages will be harder to come by for some higher risk borrowers. But FHA has been careful to keep the door open for non-traditional borrowers -- especially minorities, 50% of whom now rely on FHA for mortgage credit.
Borrowers will bear more of the costs of the government insurance program through higher premium charges. But while the additional revenue will help ensure that FHA stays solvent, the burden to the individual borrower is modest and will not be a disincentive to purchase a home.
Some riskier borrowers will have to come up with higher downpayments -- a necessary move in those markets where a decline in home value can wipe out a new buyer's equity almost before the ink is dry on the sales contract.
So, FHA has a tough balancing act, but we think they have hit the "sweet spot" by successfully juggling three objectives simultaneously: --Reduce the financial exposure of the FHA fund through tighter credit rules (especially with regard to bringing FHA capital reserves over 2%);
--Keep open the flow of mortgage credit sufficient to make sure the housing market doesn't go into a renewed dive,
--And avoid balancing the FHA books on the backs of credit worthy minority borrowers.
Highlights of the FHA Changes
-- Less than 580 FICO needs 10% down. Requires rulemaking. FHA is NOT otherwise raising the current 3.5% minimum downpayment -- the vast majority of borrowers will not be impacted, particularly since most lenders have already put higher credit score floors in place.
--Raise upfront Mortgage Insurance Premium to 2.25 (up from 1.75)
--Has significant positive capital impact for FHA. Implemented via mortgagee letter.
--Continue to allow finance of upfront MIP.
--Pursue legislative authority to allow flexibility to bring annual premium higher. (Currently capped at .55). Over time may increase annual and decrease up-front. FHA believes this is better for borrower. Upfront depletes equity.

--Reducing seller concessions from 6% to 3% across the board. Via proposed rule.
a) credit watch terminations at lender underwriting id in addition to originator id. (i.e. company level) 300% compare would trigger termination.
b) public reporting of lender performance through scorecard system.
c) indemnification. Law allows indemnification against Lender Insurance lenders, HUD will implement through notice and comment.
d) Expands indemnification beyond fraud and misrepresentation. (will go out for comment).
e) Will seek legislative authority to enforce against DE lenders.
f) Will seek legislative authority to establish ability to sanction lenders nationwide based on performance of local branch.