Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day to You!

Happy Earth Day!

That's right, unless you have been living in a hole, without the creature comforts of life such as electricity and pre-packaged food, to reduce your carbon footprint, you know that today is Earth Day.

It's a big day for this world wide celebration. Earth Day started 40 years go. Today it is celebrated in 190 countries by over 1 billion people. (for the facts on Earth Day).

So you are probably wondering what you can do to celebrate Earth Day. Or maybe not, but humor me for just a moment by reading this short list of 10 things you can do to help the environment.

1) Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The three "R's" have changed significantly since we first heard about them in grade school. This can be as simple as choose items in reduced packaging or reducing your use of disposable containers. I learned today (via another blog) that by reducing your household garbage by as little as 10%, you can save 1,200 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.

2) Use less heating and air conditioning. You can call your local utilities company, and see if they offer an energy audit. You will be surprised on how little you can spend on weather stripping and insulation, and how much money it will save you in the long run. More green for the earth and for your wallet. Also, don't turn up the heat if you are chilly, grab a sweater, and turn on a ceiling fan if you need a little air.

3) See Things in a New Light: Remember the old joke years ago asking how many people it took to change a light bulb? Well, now we know the answer: One--YOU! CFL bulbs last ten times longer and can save up to $70 in electrical costs over the life of the bulb.

4) Drive Less and Drive Smart. Ok, being a real estate agent and a Tahoe owner, I fail miserably at this one, so on to number five.

5) Purchase Energy-Efficient Products: This can be as simple as buying an a new toaster or coffee pot that is energy-efficient, or replacing your worn out appliances with Energy Star ones. And the government has some nice tax incentives for some appliances as well!

6) Use Less Hot Water: Low flow shower heads are a great way to do this!

7) Turn it OFF! When you leave a room, turn off all the lights. Simple but a great way to help the environment, and maybe save a little on your electric bill as well.

8) Plant a Tree. Did you know that a single tree an absorb as much as one ton of carbon dioxide during it's lifetime.

9) Adopt a Highway or Stream. Here in NC, we have a great program where private citizens and companies or anyone can adopt a highway or stream. Once a quarter you are responsible for cleaning up the litter on your highway. Four days a year can make a huge difference in the world.

10) Tell it to the World. Share your thoughts about this Earth Day with your friends and co-workers. You would be surprised how few people know about the little things that can be done to help our environment.

Here's wishing everyone a very happy Earth Day! And remember, Earth Day should be everyday!

(thanks to Jaspal at for the ideas in this blog and the valuable information)

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