Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How You Can Help Project Angel Tree

If you are in the Raleigh or Cary area of North Carolina today, October 4th or Thursday, October 6th, did you know that something as simple as dining out can make a big difference in a needy child's life?

On these two days, if you dine at one of the wonderful restaurants listed below, AND ( you have to do this or it doesn't count) you mention that you are dining there to help the Realtor's Dine Out Angel Tree Event, they will donate 5% of your total bill to the project.

Here are the participating restaurants:

18 Seaboard *
zPizza *
Casa Carbone *
Gypsy's Shiny Diner *
Tir Na Nog *
Bocci *
Joel Lane's Public House *
The Irregardless Cafe *
Bombay Grille *
Spring Rolls *
Carraba's Italian Grill

So please choose one of these fine establishments and dine out for a great cause!

I thank you, the Realtor's Association thanks you, and the children who will benefit from your efforts will have a Great Christmas!

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