Sunday, February 21, 2010

Girls Night Out is not what it used to be.

I have determined that I never want to be an "empty nester." I came to this conclusion this past weekend, while my husband Peter and my two adorable children, Chip and Holly, were in Bellhaven (on the Intercoastal Waterway may I add) visiting their Mema and PaPa, while I was here showing property to a client. There have been weekends where the kids were with their grandparents, but I have never had both the kids and the hubby away at the same time. Having no one to look after really threw a wrench in my weekend.

So after a day of showing property in Johnston County (and Lea, my client, will tell you that is an adventure in itself, and will make an excellent blog post). I arrived back in Raleigh/Midtown and decided to make my way to the new Harris Teeter. I have been there twice before, once with the Falls/Midtown CAC and another time just to pick up a couple of things for the neighborhood martini party. But this time was different. I wasn't on a time schedule, and I didn't have two kids in tow. Ahhh, bliss!

The paper and the other blog posts have it right, this is really a social event for our neighborhood. Not only do I seen neighbors that I know there, but I see neighbors that know me, but I may not have met them yet. It's a great way, besides the Quail Hollow Swim Club and the Hill and Hollow Club to find out what is going on in the neighborhood.

I was amazed by the selection of Boar's Head Meats and Cheeses, and the amount of prepared foods is astounding. I may never have to make a home cooked meal again! The Asian bar looked a little less inviting, due to the limited amount of choices, but then I saw lots of carts with take out trays in them, so I came to the conclusion that everyone must be having Asian food for dinner. Remembering that I needed some laundry detergent, I took my cart and headed to the ultra cool glass elevator. And if you don't think that this store is urban upscale, just tell that to the elevator operator. I mean, how many grocery stores in "cosmopolitan" cities have their very own elevator operator. Not many, I can guess.

I did strike up a conversation with a shopper on the way back down to the first floor. We both thought that the new store was great, and the selection was good. But the store nor the elevator operator have had to direct traffic during a high shopping day, such as Memorial Day weekend, Easter, and let's definately not forget the day before Thanksgiving. With an elevator that only holds three shopping carts comfortably, it should make for a great spectator sport.

All in all, the new North Hills East is a welcome addition to the area and our neighborhood. And to other non-midtown dwellers as well. I even saw someone from my church there, and I know where he lives, and this is not the closest grocery store to his house.

I guess everyone wants to be part of our new "Urban Upscale."

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